Thursday, February 26, 2009

takot kucing..

u know.. i always fhm knape org takot kat kucing.. mayb sbab takot kena cakar, or takot dgn bulu kucing yg kadang2 kotor n ble menyebabkan kesukaran bernafas, or takot kuman2 dan penyakit dr kucing tu berjangkit kat tubuh bdn die.. well, this is the curious case of lily n coco(name kucing ku).. one day, while im washing the dishes, coco came to me.. he said 'meow' like lbh 100 kali.. so i assumed he was hungry.. so after i finish washing, i went outside, n gave him food.. then, i went back in to clear up sumthings in the kitchen.. suddenly i hear that annoying sound again! 'MEOW'! n this time, it was very loud! i must say it scares me a lil bit.. coz it sounded like 'kucing gatal'.. which all male cats usually do when they need or want 'it'(fhm2 la eh).. so, i did continue my cleaning.. tibe2 coco dtg kat my kaki n started rolling.. 4 me thats normal.. but i kinda tolak2 ngan kaki la.. i takot terpijak die.. coz at that time i was moving around.. all of a sudden, he sat btol2 ontop of my feet.. with head facing my toe.. n his butt atas skit from my pergelangan kaki.. after a while, he started shaking his ass as if his doing it.. i was shocked n immediately kicked him.. i rase so disgusted that i went straight to the bathroom n take a bath.. to be honest i mcm stil teringat that incident.. euuuwww.. so i told my parents to 'kasi' coco.. so that die tak horny lg.. so now, i takot dgn my own cat bcoz he da xknal mane kucing n org..


  1. hehehe...comel je..
    I have a cat too..Suden..
    Hope he doesnt turn that way when he's at 'the age' =)
